Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy

Aquarium Conditioned-Wild True Percula Clownfish Pair

Sale price Price $179.99 Regular price

This is for a Wild True Percula Clownfish Pair.

Size: ~1.5-2.5 inches. Will reach ~2-3.5 inches with maturity.

Perculas or True Perculas are some of the most classic and popular clownfish species. These docile fish are close relatives of the False Percula (A. ocellaris), and the two species can be easily confused. Both species have orange bodies with three white stripes. In the Percula, the black margin around the white stripes is thick while in the False Percula, the black margin is very thin or absent.They also have a different number of spiny rays in the dorsal fin. These two species do not overlap in their natural distribution. A. percula is found only in Melanesia and Northern Australia.

Mature specimens typically develop a striking black coloration between stripes.

Care Information:

We recommend a 20 gallon minimum aquarium size for a single or pair of clownfish. When born, clownfish are all male and when two are kept together the larger will change to a female. Clownfish are best kept singly or as a pair. Keeping groups of clownfish together long term can be difficult as aggression is typically seen.

Keeping them with our captive bred seahorses:

If you decide to try keeping clownfish with your seahorses we recommend sticking with either A. ocellaris or A. percula. These two species of clownfish are among the more peaceful species and what we recommend if you are going to try keeping them with your seahorses. 

Mature breeding pairs of clownfish can sometimes become territorial. For this reason you want to keep an eye on them when they mature although they maybe perfectly fine with your seahorses long term with no issues. If you are concerned about this, you can also consider keeping a single clownfish rather than a pair. 

Mature breeding pairs of clownfish will often lay an average of 350 eggs every 10-14 days. 

Clownfish are known for their symbiotic relationship with anemones. Anemones are not  seahorse safe and we do not recommend keeping them in the aquarium if you have seahorses in your aquarium. Clownfish are perfectly fine long term without an anemone present.

Clownfish are saltwater fish! Please make sure your aquarium is fully cycled before adding any fish. This process typically takes 6-8 weeks. If you have any questions about your aquarium being ready for your new fish please contact us, we are happy to help.

If you have any questions about our clownfish or placing an order please contact us at 410-618-3604 or email We are happy to help.