Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy

74-125+ Gallon Invert Diversity Package

Sale price Price $249.99 Regular price $249.99

30-65+ Gallon Invert Diversity Package-Add some unique invertebrates and diversity to your aquarium. The package will add lots of movement and personality to the aquarium and also serve as a clean up crew. Make your aquarium unique with this seahorse safe and friendly package deal. Limited time. 

This package includes:

-2 Feather Duster

-25 Blue Leg hermits

-15 Astrea Snails

-2 Sea Cucumber

-4 Emerald Crabs

-4 Peppermint Shrimp

-10 Scarlet Hermit crabs

-1 Filter Feeding Cucumber

-6 Polka Dot Hermit Crabs

-3 Porcelain Crab

-1 Serpent Star: Great for eating leftover food including Mysis shrimp


All invertebrates included in this package deal are considered reef safe meaning they are generally not considered to be harmful to other corals, fish or invertebrates in the aquairums. If you are unsure about compatibility, reach out and we can help make recommendations for you.

Give us a call 410-618-3604 or send us an email: if you have any questions. We are happy to help and look forward to assisting with your order.