Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy

Yellow Cucumber-Great Sand Sifters

Sale price Price $18.00 Regular price $24.99

This is for a Bright Yellow Sea Cucumber

Size: ~1.5-2.5+ inches, size varies. 

These hardy filter feeding cucumbers are unique. They typically reside in a spot on the rock where they prefer and will filter feed. This is very neat to watch. This variety of cucumber will also sift the sand for waste and detritus. In a 30 gallon aquarium we recommend 1-3+ sea cucumbers to give you a general stocking idea. They are safe to keep with our captive bred seahorses and really neat looking! Colors and patterns vary.  They are hardy and easy to keep.

This species is nocturnal and most active at night. During the day they will often find a spot and not move a lot so do not be alarmed if they do not come out right away when you first get them into your aquarium.

Give us a call 410-618-3604 or send us an email: if you have any questions. We are happy to help!