Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy

Special-Crimson Lima Shrimp (Nano Species)

Sale price Price $25.00 Regular price $29.99

This is for a single Crimson Lima Shrimp, Microprosthema semilaeve. Limited availability!

Size: Approximately a half an inch, adult size.

These tiny Nano shrimp are named for their stunning bold color. These are a perfect tank-mate for our captive bred Dwarf seahorses and will eat the same food as them. They are also perfect for a nano aquarium. They add personality to the aquarium as well as help with clean-up in the aquarium. In their natural environment they often form a symbiotic relationship with Flame Scallops. Their bright red coloring blends right in with fire red coloration of Flame Scallop mantles.

These can be kept singly or as a mated pair. These can not be kept in a group as they are generally aggressive towards their own species.

Since these shrimp are so small we recommend NOT keeping them with our larger seahorse species as they might become a meal. They are perfect with our Dwarf seahorses, H. zosterae.

If you have any questions about keeping our Dwarf seahorses please give us a call 410-618-3604 or send us an email