Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy

Purple Ribbon Gorgonian-Photosynthetic

Sale price Price $39.99 Regular price

This is for a single Purple Ribbon Gorgonian-Photosynthetic, Pterogorgia anceps.

Size Options
Small Size-$29.99 (~3-4 inches) Purple Ribbon Gorgonian
Regular Size-$39.99 (4-6+ inches) Purple Ribbon Gorgonian
Large Size-$49.99 (6-8+ inches) Purple Ribbon Gorgonian


This variety is really easy to keep and deep purple in coloration. This is a unique Gorgonian coral that will be sure to add dimension to any aquarium. Color varies with individuals, lighting and other factors. Gorgonians are a perfect addition to seahorse aquariums. This is a photosynthetic species and easier to keep.

We recommend moderate to high lighting and water flow. They are safe to keep with our captive bred seahorses and will not sting them. All corals should have their own space in the aquarium, you do not want them touching other corals and to be safe give them a few inches minimum apart from other corals. We recommend the same water parameters as we do our captive bred seahorses.

Give us a call 410-618-3604 or send us an email: if you have any questions. We are happy to help!