Aquarium Conditioned-Diamond Sleeper Goby (Sand Sifting)
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Aquarium Conditioned-Diamond Sleeper Goby, Valenciennea puellaris.
Size: ~2.5-3+ inches. They will reach up to ~3.5-6 inches with maturity.
We are excited to offer Diamond Sleeper gobies. These gobies have orange spots throughout their body. This goby species is will sift the sand and seek refuge in it. They are peaceful fish and most often reside in the sand-bed of the aquarium. Like all gobies, these are full of personality. This is a hardy species. We are feeding them a variety of TDO pellets, PE Pellets, frozen Mysis shrimp, frozen Calanus, LRS frozen nano blend and a variety of other foods at our farm.
Our Aquarium Conditioned fish are quarantined and observed at our aquaculture facility before offered for sale. We prophylactically deworm all our fish as well as run an anti-parasitic treatment on all of our fish.
We recommend housing this species singly or as a pair. If kept as a pair it is best to add them to the aquarium at the same time. They are peaceful fish and friendly to keep with our captive bred seahorses.
Give us a call 410-618-3604 or send us an email: if you have any questions. We are happy to help!