Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy

Aquarium Conditioned-Wild Barberi Tomato Clownfish Pair

Sale price Price $110.99 Regular price $110.99

This is for a Wild Barberi Tomato Clownfish Pair, Amphiprion barberi.

Size: ~2.5 inches. Can reach ~2.5-3+ inches with maturity. Colors and Patterns vary with individuals.

Barberi Tomato clownfish are a popular colorful clownfish species. These wild specimens display gorgeous rich coloration. Another common name for this species is the Barberi Anemonefish. They are a hardy, reef safe clownfish species and a lot of fun to keep in the aquarium. Although not as commonly seen as some other clownfish species, the Barberi clownfish are one of the most popular species of saltwater fish to keep in an aquarium and are known to host certain anemones in the aquairum. They can be a bit territorial over their anemone or space in the aquarium with other tank mates, especially as they mature and bond in the aquarium. Females for this species are typically larger then the male and this size difference is often more pronouced with maturity. This species may show aggression towards other clownfish when kept in the same aquarium. It is recommended they be the only species of clownfish kept in the aquarium for best success.

Care Information:

We recommend a 30 gallon minimum aquarium size for a single or pair of this species of clownfish. When born, clownfish are all male and when two are kept together the larger will change to a female. Clownfish are best kept singly or as a pair. Keeping groups of clownfish together long term can be difficult as aggression is typically seen.

We are feeding them TDO XS pellets, frozen Hikari BioPure Mysi shrimp, and other preparded foods at our facility 2-3 times daily.

Clownfish are saltwater fish! We recommend reef tank water parameters for our saltwater fish. Please make sure your aquarium is fully cycled before adding any fish. This process typically takes 6-8 weeks. If you have any questions about your aquarium being ready for your new fish please contact us, we are happy to help.

If you have any questions about our clownfish or placing an order please contact us at 410-618-3604 or email We are happy to help.